Leadership, Small Business
How is your year going? #Entrepreneur #Smallbusiness #Success
4th Quarter Finish Strong!
How is your year going?
If you think you are behind, don’t give up…….Finish strong.
- Remember the Cavaliers were down 1 to 3 and they came back and won!
- Remember the Cubs were down 1 to 3, and they came back and won!
- Remember the 2016 Summer Olympics, Simone Biles, The men’s swimming team, Usain Bolt, Katy Ledecky and the list goes on.
How is your race going?
Do you need more leads?
Do you need to close more of the existing leads you have?
How are you numbers looking?
Are you ahead in sales but behind in profitability?
Are you experiencing negative cash flow after increased sales?
What is your inventory turn over for the year?
Are you ready for tax planning?
Whatever is your current position?…….Finish strong!
- Review and Assess!
- Be honest and communicate with your staff clear expectations.
- Give constructive feed back in areas for improvement.
- Train and retrain.
- Make adjustments!
- If the current marketing strategy is not working, adjust, retool, or pivot to something new.
- Learn how to get more out your current systems, take training classes or attend webinars.
- Asses all managers and address the poor performers with corrective actions.
- Keep the Faith!
- Don’t quit!
- Work with a expectation to win!
These are just a few ideas. Meet with your team leaders, advisers, coaches,managers, CPA, etc. Get everyone on the same page and……..